Why Men Love To Spank And Paint That Booty Red

There are two types of men: those that love to spank and those who are yet to try. It seems that the latter envies the former and for good reasons too! Needless to say, men that love to spank have all the fun in the world and then some. So, why exactly do some men love to spank booties and transform these into a shade of red or pink that’s prettier than most flowers in a greenhouse? Here are the main reasons why:

It Is An Erotic Attention Grabber

For the ladies, during sex, the universe can shrink to a space that’s barely bigger than a plate. All their focus is on making the most of the moment and cumming with enough force to extinguish a raging forest blaze! At such moments, they forget all about their problems and the existence of their partner. If that describes you, this can make your man spank you to bring you a little way down to earth. Such spanking gets your attention and can delay your orgasm, but only by a little. That means the pleasure and pressure has time to build and build till you explode like you are shooting a cannonball out of your pussy! So, men spank to delay orgasm and enhance it too. Either way spanks are a sure attention grabber.

It’s Naughty, Fun And Nice

Ask your man why he’s spanking your booty and he would probably say it’s cos he loves the look of it. Press further and he would say its a nice, fun, and naughty act that he can’t get enough of. He’s right on the money! Spanking is one of the sexiest, sweetest and orgasmic acts anyone can engage in, and you can take that to the bank and earn interest on it! Yeah, its fun, naughty fun, and so it will continue to be!

To Show They Are The Boss

If you and your man are into kinky stuff, then he can opt to spank you when he wants to show and remind you who’s in charge. Of course you both need to have a proper conversation beforehand over what’s due and proper in the dom/sub role that’s playing out. But so long as you are OK with it, he’s free to grab you while you are washing the dishes and kiss you. Then bend you over the couch and spank that fat booty you are hiding away in your lacy panties!

Spanking Is A Sure Intimacy Booster

When you have someone special in your life, it makes sense to share all the special moments you can with them. Such moments build trust, respect, love, and yes, the intimacy between partners. It also creates a special bond and a shared memory that can help them during tough times. Sex, spanking, and other BDSM activities build intimacy and splendidly too. So, if you are having sex and your man is not spanking you at the moment, nor engaged in other BDSM activities with you, it might be time to sit him down and have a talk!

It Sounds Awesome

Have you any idea of how awesome spanks can sound? If you did you would rush to the patent office and trademark the sound of your booty getting spanked with every tool in the box and tool shed! Anyway, men are of all types. Some like to lick period blood, while others are unable to sleep unless they bury their face in the wet pussy of their partner. Some spank because they like the feel of ass. Others spank because the sound it makes gets them feeling extra special or extra aroused. So, all you might be needing for extra fun in the bedroom might be agreeing to your partner spanking your booty. If you do agree, better let him beat a tune on it that you both can fuck to!

It Adds Spiciness Unlimited To The Sexual Act

Boredom is a thing. That means even if a guy is drilling the most beautiful, busty, and booty-blessed lady in the world he will sooner or later get bored. And when men get bored, their penis becomes a community item that every lady within a hundred-mile radius might get a taste of! Spanking provides a sweet diversion to the boring act of vanilla sex and that is part of why most men love it. Spanks also do well when combined with other bedroom acts, like hair pulls, intense kissing, and boob/body massages. If you are a guy and need something to make your bedroom adventures feel special and interesting again, spanking just might be the key. Just remember to be gentle and to not beat that booty like you are tenderizing it for later cooking in the oven!

And that’s all for today, folks!

Potent Spanking Tips For Beginners

Potent Spanking Tips For Beginners

Spanking is perhaps the commonest kink out there and just about anyone can do it. It is fun, free, and easy to get the hang of, triggers a natural high, and can either bring along or enhance an orgasm.
Are you new to spanking? Well, there are quite a few things you need to know and keep in mind. Here they are:

Communication Is Paramount

Effective communicate with your partner before you start spanking is of paramount importance. You both should talk about your expectations and agree on what the safe word will be. The safe word can be verbal or non-verbal as needs and wants dictate. See, some like to cause pain, but others do not like to receive pain. If you are the spanker and like to beat a booty like you are kneading flour, but your partner prefers light touches, a discussion on this is necessary. If you both can’t agree on the nature, method and duration of the spanking, then leave off. More, if you are not all that good with communication, you can opt to introduce the idea of spanking to your partner in a creative way. Perhaps you both could watch a BDSM movie. Afterwards a discussion of what you both witnessed and the desirability of introducing it to your bedroom affairs can take place.

Spanking Should Be Correctly Done

Well, it turns out that there’s a right and wrong way to spank. If you are a beginner, spank lightly and slowly. Only increase the frequency and intensity of your strikes if your partner is OK with it. Important is foreplay before spanking, as this lets both participants loosen up. More, when spanking, be sure to keep all your fingers together, as spreading them will widen the hitting surface. This can cause pain. Be sure not to hit any bones or the sides of the body, vary the area that you are spanking and massage the booty before and after a hit. Since you are a spanking newbie, you should kick things off with hand spanking. Later on, when you are slightly more experienced, you can incorporate other equipment like whips, and belts.

Make It A Fun Activity

Spanking should be sweet, fab, something worth looking forwards to and fun! Unless of course you were a schoolmaster in another life and want to replicate the experience with a sub who has an extreme fetish for pain. In that case, you are free to make your spanking hell on earth if you so wish!

Be Alert For Potential Health Risks

Spanking is one of the safest kinks out there, but it still carries some risk. If you or your partner have health issues like high blood pressure, or chronic pain or have previously suffered strokes or seizures, then you should let each other know of this. That way, if anything unforeseen happens everyone will be fully prepared.

Don’t Be Too Adventurous

You are a spanking newbie, right? So take things easy then. Don’t go to the sex shop nearby and buy out their stock of whips and canes. Also, don’t try out the more advanced spanking positions just yet, at least till you have had your fill of and have mastered the basic ones. One of the basic spanking positions that delivers just about everything you might ask for is over the knee spank. It feels just right and the fact that you have a nude and curvy booty a feet or so from your face can make you harder than concrete down there! Spank away, but keep to the basics and don’t let your erection tear your shorts!

Pay Attention To Body Language

So, your partner is nude or half nude and waiting for you to make her booty bounce. It is rather easy to get carried away in such cases, but please don’t be. You will need to focus a little and pay attention to your partner’s body language when she’s being spanked. Is she wincing, wailing, screaming, struggling? Well, that could be a good indication that she’s not enjoying herself as she should be. Stop what you are doing and inquire if she’s putting on an act or not into what’s going down. If she’s just play-acting, then carry on. If on the other hand, she’s crying for real, just stop. And comfort her. You might not know it, but she might be having flashbacks of being abusively spanked.

Don’t Forget The Aftercare

The aftercare is almost as important as the spanking itself and don’t you be forgetting that! Aftercare differs from couple to couple and from individual to individual and can involve cuddling and smooching, or cooking your partner some breakfast. It is all about taking care of each other and finding out if everyone is on the same page. Your ass sure is gonna be burnt toast if you forget the aftercare!

And that’s all on spanking today you happy wankers!

The Different Types Of Spanking

There are different types of spanking out there. Folks with lots of time on their hands and a taste for erotic adventure could invent more soon!

As of now, there’s erotic spanking, punishment spanking, therapeutic spanking, hardcore spanking, role play spanking, and maintenance spanking. The hands see the most use for spanking, as well as any safe object like a rolled-up newspaper. Popular spanking tools include canes, paddles, floggers, whips, riding-crops, and slappers. Then there’s the feared cat-o-nine tails for the hardcore enthusiast. This whip is not for the faint of heart and can put the fear of god into the godless!

Of the different types of spankings mentioned above, each has its own distinct pain scale. 1 stands for a light tap. 10 on the other hand represents the kind of pain that makes you think you are giving birth through your anus! Now, spanking is for consenting adults. Stopping the proceedings is always possible at any time once the submissive gives the safe word. If not, the heavens will fall!

Spank And Conquer!

Detailed below are the different types of spankings. Better read and weep:

Erotic Spankings

Defined as a foreplay of sorts, these kinds of spanking sets the mood for more nasty stuff. They are playful and sensual, and usually begin at a snail pace. The aim is not to cause pain, but to trigger the release of endorphins and increase both sexual arousal and desire between the couple. Erotic spankings are possible with any tool, but we wouldn’t recommend using a loaf of bread! On the pain scale, they range from 2-8. But that is dependent on personal preferences.

Punishment Spankings

Punishment spankings focus on one thing only- punishment. Sweet and fab it is not. To the sub it is about as enjoyable as getting an enema with barbed wire! Such spankings show off the Dom’s anger, displeasure, and disappointment with the actions of his submissive. They help the submissive learn the consequences of not walking the straight and narrow path as defined by the Dom. The submissive gets to understand that punishment awaits any inappropriate behavior on her part. Punishment spankings utilize any tool at hand, but practitioners prefer using the bare hands because it feels more intimate. On the pain scale, such spankings vary from 4-10, with the Dom choosing how hard to beat that sweet booty up.

Therapeutic Spankings

Therapeutic spankings are all about the submissive getting a cathartic emotional release. They lack any sexual aspect and can be rather helpful when dealing with the multifarious struggles of life. During these spankings, the Dominant partner works to trigger a very emotional release in his sub, to the point where she cries like an abandoned waif. Effective communication is imperative during these types of spanking, with the couple communicating before, during, and after the event. The bare hands see the most use here. This is because they enable a more intimate emotional connection. But, any tool is usable as per personal preferences. Also, there are no hard and fast rules on where such spankings can reach on the pain scale. In such matters, the personal preferences of the couple take precedence.

Hardcore Spankings

Think of hardcore spankings as what happens when you break into the home of the SEAL down the street. He then proceeds to makes love to your face and body with his iron-hard fists! Yeah, hardcore spankings are as hardcore as sin. Only masochists and sadists enjoy them. The reason is because the only focus is on giving and receiving the most soul-crushing pain. Sexual arousal is not even the goal here, with pain and lots of pain being god and master. Hardcore spankings are doable with the hands. Also employed are tools like whips, tails, and slappers. Usually, such spankings start slow, gradually ramping up the pace and the pain. But there are loads of sadists and masochists out there who start at 10 on the pain scale and keep this up till the second coming or even longer!

Role Play Spankings

Role play spankings are all about role-playing and dressing up. An unlimited variety of role-play scenarios happen during this type of spanking. Schoolgirl vs teacher and mom vs son are some of the most popular scenarios that play out. What happens during role play spanking depends on whatever fantasy a couple wants to actualize. Such spankings are usually performed with the bare hands, plus tools that are a match with the overall scenario. The pain experienced here varies from 1-10 on the pain scale. Personal preferences and what is being acted out determines how painful things will be.

Maintenance Spankings

Maintenance spankings aid in the establishment or or re-establishment of a connection between the sub and the Dom. The aim is to show trust, connection, love, and respect. The sub sometimes does this on herself when ordered by the Dom. Tools used depend on personal preferences, though bare hands work well. Maintenance spanks register from 1-10 on the pain scale, according to personal preferences. In the end, the sub often gets cuddled like a premature newborn. She’s also comforted with words so sweet it could trigger diabetic shock!

And that’s all on spanking today. Remember, no good booty ever goes unpunished!

The Merry Things That Happen During Spankings

We all got a short life ahead of us and there’s no reason not to make the most of it. So, drink water, pay your bills, and hug a tree. Plus spank the booty of the person you have tender affections for! Spanking is such an underrated part of living and loving. About the only thing sweeter is winning the lottery seven days in a row! Spanking is doable with the bare hands or any tool. But we are not recommending using an ax, plus nine-inch nails!

Rather than a newfangled invention meant to show the booty its place, spanking is actually as old as the hills. Today, you all will be learning all about the different things that happen when you spank or get spanked. These are as follows:

Endorphins Unleashed

Spanking is one of those sinful pleasures that feel so good you get thinking it might get banned worldwide! It turns out that there’s a very good reason why the act of spanking often takes its practitioners to cloud nine! See, spanking triggers the release of a shitload of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are natural pain relievers, with their production being undertaken by the pituitary gland and the central nervous system. Endorphins work to reduce pain, boost pleasure and promote a feeling of well being. When you get spanked or spank a booty, the reason you feel so good you could levitate is because your brain is busy releasing endorphins into your system.

Classical Conditioning Happens

Remember Pavlov and the experiment he conducted with some dogs? Well, the fella made it possible for these dogs to associate the sound of a bell with getting fed. That meant once they heard the bell they would start salivating with a vengeance and who could blame them! Now, if you are a sub, you are getting some classical conditioning too. The way this works, since you know that taking your spanks like a champ means the Dom showing appreciation with kisses, cuddles, and other rewards, your body like Pavlov’s dogs will on its own start responding to the spanking. That means you feel all wet and warm, plus high and aroused, often before a spank and when thinking of one. What a pretty dog you are!

Operant Conditioning Happens Too

Heard what I said about classical conditioning? Well, operant conditioning is the opposite of that and it is about as effective. As an example, say your dom likes you dressed in spandex or nylon for your spanking sessions. Except one day you don’t wear these for some reason. What do you suppose your punishment will be? Getting lined up and shot at dawn? Not at all. In this case, your punishment is your partner not touching your booty. Since you love spanking that punishment is an effective deterrent to your repeating the behavior. This means at your next spanking, you will be wearing your newest and sexiest spandex or nylon. And oh, you might be begging for it too!

Cortisol Levels Get A Boost

Cortisol is a chemical that gets produced at an increased pace when we become stressed. While it is the body’s main stress hormone, that doesn’t mean that getting your system pumped full of it is a bad thing in itself. According to studies, when spanked, submissives experience a rise in cortisol levels and at the same time feel less stressed. Doms on the other hand experience a drop in cortisol levels and are calmer after beating on the booty of their sub. What this all means is that spanking can be a means of reducing stress for all concerned. It can also make folks better equipped to walk through life and give the booty its due!

Blood Flow Gets Re-routed

If you are a guy you will well know the feeling when you have a shaven pussy before you. This hole is wetter than a kitchen sink, and waiting for you to sink the length of your shaft into its moist opening. At such moments you couldn’t care less if the whole world was going to hell, with your focus being on drilling the slit before you. During such moments, blood flow to your nether regions gets a boost and your penis works as your main brain. Thus, it’s hard to react in time if the husband of the lady you are pounding to jelly comes home sooner than expected. Almost the same thing happens during spanking sessions. For the sub, blood flow gets rerouted towards the lower part of the body, with consequent impairment of their higher thinking. The Dom on the other hand retains most of their sense. If you are a sub this helps explains why you feel so high and dopey during and after a spanking session.

Learned enough today? Well then, the class is over! Go see if there’s a booty nearby that you can practice your spanking skills on!

The Booty-Fabulous History Of Spanking!

We humans are complex, with differing wants, needs, and feelings. Thus, some see spanking as a form of punishment. Others though view it is an erotic and orgasm-promoting activity.

Got spanked when you were a kid? If so, I doubt it made you feel like you won the lottery! But here you are spanking your mate, or making your mate spank you. If only your parents could see you now! Well, erotic spanking is now mainstream. It is an intrinsic part of most recent movies, music, art and could soon become regarded as a human right!

Spanking is not a new thing. Its history is about as long as humanity’s foray through this blue globe known as earth. From light paddling to frenzied booty bashing, humans have engaged in erotic spanking almost from the time could tell one pussy from the other! Here’s the true history of erotic bottom manhandling.

The Etruscans Hit It First!

The first recorded account of erotic spanking comes to us from the ancient Etruscans. It is in the form of a wall painting dated to around 490BC known as Etruscan Wall of the Flogging. The said painting shows a lady who has her head pressed into the groin of a guy, and holding onto his thighs for support. Another guy is behind her, whipping her bubble butt for all he’s worth. All 3 are nude and seem to be enjoying themselves. And can you blame them!

Then there’s the Kama Sutra. This is the very old and famous book of life, love and sex that teaches you all you need to know about fucking and pleasure. Among the very savory stuff in its pages are instructions on a shitload of kinky stuff, like spanking. Be sure to read the book when you have the time and get to learn from the wisdom of more accomplished fuckers than you!

Now we come to the Victorians during the Victorian era. In one of the more ironic twists of history, Victorians had a love for spanking and erotic literature that rivals an alcoholic’s love for sour mash. Proud prudes they were, while consuming enough spanking-focused erotica to make the angels weep!

The golden age of erotica spanking came early in the 20th century. Technological advances meant that more could access spanking erotica and they made the most of that opportunity. Most of the erotica produced in this period was by the French, who seem to have a particular talent for this sort of thing. The golden age of spanking erotic ended soon after the Second World War. The brutal violence of that war crippled souls, spirits and bodies. The passing of censorship laws in France soon forced erotica writers and photographers to seek other employment.

In the 20th century wonderland that was America, husbands had a right and even obligation to spank their wives as a form of punishment. These were usually painful and humiliating affairs and it is doubtful if any but the man doing the spanking enjoyed it. Hollywood movies also helped popularize and normalize the practice, spreading the notion that spanking was a necessary means of controlling women and even earning their love and respect.

Fifty Shades Of Amazing Things

Few respectable fellas in this century talked aloud about spanking or would go on record as saying they enjoyed it. And then came the 50 Shades of Grey novels by E. L. James. These books helped normalize what is often a heavenly act that between loving adults. You were no longer considered weird if you liked getting your booty hit or doing the hitting. That was quite a relief!

With spanking being so normalized these days you could put the fact that you enjoy it in your CV and no one but an uptight square would bat an eyelid! The sexy practice now enjoys widespread acceptance across most of the world. To-do articles that help newbies know what to do and what to expect when they start are also available online.

Some like spanking because it makes them feel in control. Others like the feeling of getting punished and begging for forgiveness. Then some spank because the sight of the female booty is erotic on its own, while the act of hitting and making it wobble is a very sinful delight! Spanking stimulates the nerve centers of the brain and gets the lower half of the body feeling so good. It stimulates the release of dopamine, which is part of why some can’t get enough of it.

Spanking someone today? Well, be sure to do it right and make that booty sing a song of praise to your noble skills! Yes, spank away for noble men throughout history have done the same as you!

Avoid Doing These Things If You Are Serious About Spanking

Ever been spanked or have you paddled any sweet bottoms lately? If the answer to either question is yes, no one needs to tell you how pleasurable and orgasmic the experience can be!

There’s nothing to spanking your partner. It takes no time to arrange and you don’t even need any fancy equipment to make it happen. All you both need to do is to approach the act with an open mind and to be in tune with each other. Spanking is one of the simplest and most enjoyable things couples can do. But there are a few things they should avoid if they are serious about making a success out of it. These are as follows:

Kicking Things Off Without A Proper Discussion

A deep and proper discussion is always called for whenever you are engaging in sexual activities with your partner. The discussion must be frank and focus on consent, intentions, and purpose. Having this kind of discussion reduces the likelihood of miscommunication. Such discussion lets you both agree in what form the spanking will take place and what the safe word will be. You might think not having this discussion adds intensity and passion, but that’s not the case.

Assuming That Your Partner Is A Mind Reader

You got someone you love and care about, right? How often do you make the mistake of assuming that she/he knows what you want without your having to articulate it? Well, it turns out that no one is a mind reader. What this means is that if you never open your mouth your partner cannot know how you feel about things. No one is a mind reader, regardless of what you see in the movies. This makes frank conversations one of the most important things in any relationship. If you are into spanking, be sure to have conversations that cover the type of spanking that turns you on, plus your interest in more hardcore stuff. Feel like getting tied up and drilled in the ass with a jackhammer? Let your partner know about that too!

Not Being Yourselves

Been watching naughty spanking videos when everyone is sleeping? Well, don’t be expecting your spankathons to be exactly like what you see on the big screen. Be realistic, and aware of your limitations, as well as those of your partner. You both need to be yourselves, with no pressure or stress. After all, the only folks you are impressing are yourselves.

Lack Of Control

Did I mention how sweet spanking can be? Well, in the heat of the moment you might lose it and find yourself belaboring the bare booty before you like it is responsible for all the ills of the world! What this means is that if you want to spank someone, you should have at least a modicum of control and be able to restrain yourself even when your brain matter is screaming at you to escalate things. If you are like a thoroughbred horse that doesn’t respond well to the bit or verbal and non-verbal cues, then spanking might not be for you. You might be better off slapping paint off your wall. Or you soon could get hauled in for assaulting a defenseless and prime piece of booty real estate!

Not Starting Slow

Are you new to spanking? Then take it easy. Relax. That booty you want to spank is not going anywhere, so don’t be in a hurry to beat it till it is medium-rare. Also, don’t go and buy a hickory stick if you and your partner are new to the game. It would be best to begin with something soft and flexible like your hand, at least till your partner has found her comfort level. If hand spanking is not for you, get a soft paddle and spank that booty like you are whipping frosting on a cake. Be gentle, rather than acting like you are beating the burglar that came to steal your family jewels. Start slow and build things up. That’s how stuff works.

Not Taking A Break When You Feel Like It

You know, some days you go to get some fried chicken, only to get there and decide you are better off licking ice cream and chewing on a hot dog. Yeah, tastes, needs, and wants change, often in a very short period and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you are getting spanked or your partner is doing the doughty deed and you are not feeling what’s going down, nothing stops you from ending it. You both can try another time, or have actual sex and cum like a miniature Niagara falls! Remember, take a break when you feel like it and it should all work out.

And that’s all for now. Be sure to make a booty quake this week!

The Best Erotic Spanking Tools Out There

Erotic spanking can be arousing and enjoyable to and beyond the limit. It involves repeated, slight or forceful contact with the skin on almost any part of the body. Erotic spanking takes a variety of forms. It also happens more often than most suppose. Such spanking serves the purpose of punishment or pleasure and either occurs during sex or as a form of foreplay. Feel like spanking someone? Well then get in line and bend over!

Today, we will be talking about the best erotic spanking tools out there. These tools differ in the skills needed to master them and the sensations they trigger. Now, the best erotic spanking tools are as follows:

The Hands

Yes, the hands are a spanking tool, and perhaps the most used. They are safe, free and feel extremely intimate. Most experts advise beginners to start with hand spanking. More, hand spanks don’t hurt that much, which is important for those who are extra-sensitive to pain. Unless of course, your partner has an iron hand and your butt happens to be softer than a plate of buttered omelette!

The Paddle

Paddles makes a lot of sense if you are looking for the first erotic spanking tool you should have in your bedroom drawer. Paddles are small, easy to use, and come in an array of shapes and styles. Most have two usable sides and all have an effective striking surface that lets you hit that booty as hard or softly as you want. There are flexible and rigid paddles on the market. Flexible paddles softly caress the butt, rather than making the owner howl and weep with abandon. Rigid paddles on the other hand can deal out ungodly amounts of pain. When shopping for a paddle, be sure to focus on those of a durable nature. These should have a handle that feels nice and firm in the hand, plus a wrist loop for a more secure grip.


Everyone has a belt as their own dividend of democracy! Apart from helping hold up a pair of shorts or trousers, they can serve as a spanking tool. Belts, however, require some skill. Without such skill getting hit in painful or uncomfortable places like the tailbone is possible. Generally, belts do not cause bruises unless the same area is repeatedly hit. The sound they make when they hit a firm booty is mightily arousing on its own and can make any woody twitchy! Now, you can always use any old belt of yours, or you can splash out on a purpose-made one to impress your crush with.


A flogger has a thick handle, plus multiple tendrils. These tendrils are the hitting surface. Floggers come in a distressing array of varieties. There are leather floggers, faux leather floggers, silicone and rubber floggers, plus others made out of chains. Floggers are not usually painful on the skin. They have excellent tickling and stroking properties and can turn any old biddy into a giddy schoolgirl! And yes, in the right hands floggers can color any booty the most delightful shade of pink. What a sight that is!


Crops or riding crops are perhaps the most popular erotic spanking tool on the market. Quite a few people have these at home, though most would rather get eaten alive by a dragon than admit this! Distinguishing them from other tools is a rigid handle, a flexible spine and a tip. This tip varies in shape and makes up the hitting surface. Crops are one of the easiest tools to use. But you shouldn’t touch them unless you have at least a little bit of experience in the spanking arena.


Tawses are super-easy to recognize and were formerly used on school children. They consist of a leather strip with a handle, and a body that’s cut into thongs. The nature of the striking surface means that hits by it can be intense, and they are even capable of wrapping around the body. Tawses are for advanced users who want their partner to feel every micro-inch of the striking surface.


Well, you only ever buy a cane if there’s a booty you want to beat until it bleeds. Canes aka punishment rods are for sadists and advanced users and bruising the butt is what it does very well. The striking surface of canes is very narrow, and this focuses each blow. That’s why a hit by one feels like goblins are excavating your rectum! What a cane is made of determines how much it will hurt. Thus, bamboo canes hurt like a son of a bitch, while rubber-coated ones often deliver no more than a pleasing sting. If you plan on using a cane on someone’s butt, do let the person know that they might not be sitting down till the next ice age!


Whips are just that and the tool most folks associate with erotic spanking. They come in both long and short versions, with the long ones being about as tall as a fair-sized human. These spanking tools are only for the most experienced and even then extra care is needed in their use. Such tools take dedication and skill to master. Depending on skill and intention, whips can deliver the sweetest or most painful erotic spankings known to mankind. Basically, don’t buy one unless your ex has agreed to get whipped by you as atonement for all the crimes of humanity!

And that’s all for today, folks. Whatever you do, remember to get the best erotic spanking tool that works for you and your partner and is a match to your skill level and experience. With that in hand go forth and spank with a will, a roar, and glee unlimited!

Best Erotic Spanking Positions To Try Out

Welcome to the erotic spanking life! Worth noting is the ready availability of a very diverse array of erotic spanking positions usable and available to all. Indeed, the only limiting factor is the imagination. If you wanted you could hang your lady by the feet from a yardarm and spank her with a whip that’s taller than your past, present, and future!

Given the variety of spanking positions out there, you sure need to find out which best works for you. Your aim should be to discover which erotic spanking position best suits your style and the spanking tool you are utilizing. The position should also be reasonably comfortable. If comfort is lacking, you and the spankee will be unable to enjoy yourselves to the fullest.

Now, here’s what we think are the best erotic spanking positions worth considering by all and sundry:

Spreadeagled On The Bed

This spanking position is self-explanatory. The spankee lies on their stomach and on a comfortable bed, gripping the sheets and waiting for what’s to come. The spanker has a lot of choices here. He/she can sit or squat on the bed and spank the booty presented for their approval. Or they can stand at any side of the bed they prefer and beat the booty how they like. In this spanking position, there might be a fair distance between the booty being beat and the arm of the spanker. In that case, the spanker can opt to bring out tools like canes and whips that give him/her a nice reach.

Over The Knee

You could say that this erotic spanking position has been in existence since the dawn of time and you would be right! Over the knee is a classic spanking technique whose popularity seems incapable of dying out. The way it works, you lie or sit down somewhere comfortable like a bed or chair. You then put your partner over your knee face down and wait till she’s comfortable. What happens next is up to you as you can either bury your face in her fat butt or spank that with your hands or any other tool at your disposal.

The Kneeling Position

The kneeling position is all too often overlooked. and that’s a crime on a truly epic scale! Here, the spankee kneels like a chastened schoolgirl. Exactly how and where she kneels is up to her, so long as she’s comfortable. The spanker then positions himself anywhere he likes and when his eyes have had enough he takes matters into his hands and begins spanking away. Short handled tools like paddles work best in this position. Long-handled tools on the other hand are mostly unsuitable.

Bent Over Something

Bending your partner over the knee can feel rather intimate. But what if she weighs a ton and a half or you want her to be moving around more? In that case, you can simply have her bend over a surface. She could bend over a chair, a table, the kitchen sink, and virtually anywhere else but the church pew! You then do your duty by either standing opposite her or by the side and spanking her in the manner you both agreed upon. Spanking your partner in this position means she can make that booty jiggle with a will. More, tiredness does not come easy in this position. You the spanker can also vary the spanking style as your needs and circumstances dictate.

Hands And Knees

Do you like doggy style XXX? Then spanking your partner while they are on their hands and knees is what the good doctor has prescribed for you! Here, the spankee gets on their hands and knees on a firm and comfortable surface like a bed or table. You can have her kneel on pillows if the tables and beds in your house are out of commission at the moment! Once the spankee is on their hands and knees, stand behind them or to the side and take a moment to admire that booty staring you in the face and looking so sinfully edible! Then get to work spanking that sweet mound of prime meat. Spank with your hands, or any tool previously agreed upon.

Hands Down Standing

This is simplicity itself! Here, the spankee stands for a moment and then bends forward at the waist. She supports herself with her hands on the floor or can grab and hold onto her ankles. The spanker stands behind the spankee, ignoring the asshole that’s opened for his inspection and whales on the booty before him! Like in the other positions, any tool or the hands is usable in a hands-down standing spanking position.


Kindly remember there’s no best spanking position per se. Your own needs and wants must dictate the spanking position you and your partner will adopt. Keep that in mind as you put what you are learning here into practice.

How To Make Your Partner Spank You

Poor you! Look at you with secrets, desires and fantasies that your partner has no clue about. Now, do you intend growing a spine and letting your partner into your special world? Or are you going to keep carrying on like everything is OK? I guess you are choosing the first option, or you wouldn’t be here reading this article and farting the tune to your favorite melody!

Spanking turns you on, right, but your partner has no clue? And Google, Bing, and the like have been no help so far in resolving the situation? Well, you could always buy and hang up posters of babes getting their booty beat. Or you could gift your partner whips and manacles for his birthday. Done that and he has yet to see the light? Well then read on and get answers to the knotty question of what to do to make your partner get your booty bouncing to a special beat!

We Have All The Answers To Your Booty Questions! Bored of daydreaming about your partner bending you over his knee and want the real thing? Here’s how to get him to spank you like you have been dreaming of since time out of mind.

Ask The Fucker

Is your partner an ogre? And we mean an uptight ogre who always insists on sex in the missionary style? If so, you have our sympathies. Browse elsewhere and you might find tips on how to poison that monster and get him out of your life! If on the other hand, your partner is open-minded, loving, caring, and eager to kiss and fuck you into oblivion, then you can relax. Yeah, boldly go to him and ask if he would like to spank you. Or start walking up to him and pinching his butt, then telling him to show your booty some tough love. If that doesn’t work, wait till you both are giving the bed a workout and then ask him to spank that booty he has been eating like forever. He’s bound to agree right quick. If he doesn’t, the only booty he will be eating for the rest of the year will belong to his mama!

Say It With Your Undies

How many undies do you have? Well, you will be needing more soon, so get your credit card ready! See, if you aren’t a direct person there’s another way you can tell your partner how much you would love for him to spank you. All you have is to shop and buy some sexy undies online, with these personalized to your needs. Buy some fluffy panties that say stuff like “So Booty Blessed”, “Spank and Prosper”, and “The Couple That Spanks Together…”. Or go straight to the point and buy a fresh pair of panties that spell out “Spank Me” in big red letters on the back. Wear this all over the house when he’s in and even a numskull like him will soon get the message!

Run Your Mouth Like A Naughty Girl

Wait till your partner is riding you like his favorite filly. Then talk dirty and tell him to drill that poon like he’s digging up all the diamonds in South Africa! Beg him to shift your womb and turn your cunt into a freeway! Yell that you want him to shove it in so far his cock slaps your left kidney out of whack and your cervix collapses on itself! Inform him you are so very naughty and your every existence is proof of that. Then demand that he punishes you for being such a bad girl. And what better way to reform and make you see the light than to hit your booty so hard it begins saying the Lord’s Prayer! Trust us, he won’t be able to resist your running your mouth!

Tell Him You Are All His

Know one of the most amazing fantasies some women nurse? It is to be forcefully dominated by a man with an oak tree penis who knows what he’s doing. Such a character is a favorite staple of Harlequin romance books and I am sure you have read a few of these. If that is the kind of fantasy that’s been lurking around in your mind, then tell your partner how much you want him to take charge and ravish you. Tactfully suggest that an excellent way of doing this would be to hold you down and spank your booty until it cries mercy. He’s not going to say no to your request for all the tea in China! If he does say no, you are free to bury your leg up his behind. Be sure to cook his prostrate for breakfast afterwards!

Done reading this article on how to make your partner spank you? Then put the above tips into practice. Your partner will soon be pummeling your backyard so regularly that sitting down becomes impossible!

Spank Up Your Life

Are you a booty lover and does your partner’s soft bottom beg for kisses, nibbles and spanks? Life is short, so go ahead and play a drumbeat on all the bottoms you can reach. Do that and you get to watch them jiggle and change color like the sweetest chameleon in the world!
Yeah, there’s nothing pervy about spanking or wanting to spank a chick. It doesn’t even matter how old she might be or the kind of booty she’s blessed with. Embarrassment doesn’t come into it too, with plenty of recent movies and books helping normalize erotic spanking -and BDSM- as we know it.
But, the fact that your partner has a juicy booty does not mean you should go around slapping the fat out of it. You should at least ask her how amenable she is to the idea before making her booty bounce. Hit her butt while she’s unaware of your intention and she might feel obliged to remove some of your teeth!
Being spanked is what most ladies fantasize about, at least according to studies and research. If spanking is on your mind and you are unsure how to begin, here’s what to do:

Get Her Consent

Spanking can be pleasurable. I am talking about the kind of pleasure that makes you think you have arrived at the pearly gates and got the keys to the biggest mansion in the locality! However, the fact that the act of spanking pleases you does not mean that your partner will like the sweet and tender pain you will inflict on her precious butt. That means you need to seek and get her consent beforehand. Spanking her without warning is not something she’s probably going to like. That is why you must let your partner know ahead of time what’s going down. Tell her how you want to spank her, how forceful you might be, and go into as much detail as you can. Learn her limits and promise not to breach these on pain of death and dismemberment!

Don’t Forget The Foreplay

Foreplay is not something that only happens when you fuck your crush. Foreplay during erotic spanking involves kissing and cuddling, and goofing around with your mate. You can even give your girl a relaxing massage if you are up for it and her body is aching to feel your hands all over it. Foreplay in spanking differs from couple to couple. So find out what works for you both and stick to it with all the enthusiasm you can muster.

Slow And Steady

You all set? Well, you need to start slow and steady, rather than acting like you have an urgent train to catch. Take your time and do it right. Whisper endearments like you have a leaky tap where your mouth should be, and fondle that booty like you are the CEO in charge of its maintenance! Kick things off with some light pats, moving up the frequency and force applied. Taking it slow and easy helps ensure that our partner won’t be so butt-hurt she slits your throat later in the night!

Setting The Perfect Mood For The Perfect Spank

Before subjecting your partner’s booty to purgatory, one of the most important things you can do is to set the right mood for the whole activity. You can opt to do this by taking her to the basement or a specially equipped room in your house. If that is not possible, have her dress up in something innocent, slinky, or cute, like a school uniform. You can then show up in the role of a dissatisfied teacher, and spank her booty to cure her sassiness. If the thought of spanking a helpless school girl doesn’t appeal to you, incorporate as much as your and her fantasies as you can into your spanking activities. Do that and you both are bound to have a swell time.

Safe Word Needed

A safe word must be discussed and agreed on BEFORE you begin spanking a booty that doesn’t belong to you. The safe word lets you know when your partner has had enough and needs to go pee, call her mom, and moan about the iniquities of men or do whatever else she wants to do. Be prepared to release your partner once she says the safe word. Or your head might be hanging on a pike by nightfall!

Aftercare Also Needed

Aftercare is what happens once the spanking is all done. What it means varies from couple to couple. Some like to kiss and cuddle in silence. Others prefer talking about the events of the last hour or nothing in particular. Aftercare follows any sexual activity, and yes erotic spanking is a sexual activity.
That is all for now. Stay safe out there or get a spanking!